October 2, 2011

It's October...

which means that Halloween is just around the corner! Not only is it my favorite holiday, it's also my dad's birthday- so needless to say, in our house, the holiday was extra special. This year I won't be able to make it home in time for Halloween, for the third year running... I'm kind of bummed about it! Pumpkins carving, costumes, candy and haunted houses just doesn't happen here in Sweden. My first year I totally tried to get it rolling with friends, but it bombed... in a big way. I remember buying a pumpkin at the store and loads of candy for the "trick-or-treaters" I swore we'd be having- and not a single child knocked on our door. The night turned into an international phone call to say happy birthday to my father, and a marathon of scary movies to celebrate. At least I had lots of candy to keep me company : )

To kick off my countdown I watched "Hocus Pocus" this weekend. It is still in the top five for "favorite Halloween movies" in my opinion!

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